Yes. At one point while in New York, Maureen Walls went to live with her parents again. When her mother Rose Mary tried to kick her out, Maureen attacked her with a knife. In fact-checking The Glass Castle movie, we learned that Maureen was arrested and the judge ordered that she spend a year in a psychiatric hospital.Click to see full answer. Then, what happened to Jeannette Walls Sister Maureen?Jeannette’s kid sister Maureen is still living in California and Walls is trying to get her to come live with them in Virginia. Life has been most difficult for Maureen, the baby of the family. She has had substance abuse issues but is considering coming to Virginia. Walls seems hopeful that it will happen.Also Know, who plays Maureen in the glass castle? They meet her father at the entrance, where he brings them inside to meet Rose and her 3 siblings. Brian (Josh Caras) is now a policeman who recently made his first arrest in a drug bust. Lori is also leading a comfortable life while Maureen (Brigette Lundy-Paine) is currently living with her parents after a break up. Then, what is unusual about Maureen in the glass castle? Maureen’s the oddball of the family. She has nightmares. She joins a cult. She stabs Mom, gets put in a mental hospital, and moves to California all by herself.Did Jeannette Walls really get burned?Walls’s pink-tutu dress catches fire, and her stomach, ribs and chest are badly burned. She is hospitalized for six weeks, until her father, irritated with the uppity doctors, breaks her out and takes her home. When she returns to the chair to cook more hot dogs, her mother says to her approvingly: “Good for you.