Justin Timberlake may have just confirmed that his wife Jessica Biel was expecting the couple's first child, but the actress is already stylishly showing off her baby bump. Yesterday, Biel was snapped in Los Angeles celebrating the newly designed logo for her upcoming kid-friendly restaurant Au Fudge, where the star looked more than excited to pose for a photo.

In the shot, Biel stands with her friends and business partners Estee Stanley and Kimberly Muller while covering her pregnant tummy in a loose linen top under an ivory blazer, distressed dark denim jeans, and embellished black heels—très chic.

"We would love to introduce you #AuFudgers our logo. Hope you love!!! Intro to characters coming soon," the caption on Au Fudge’s Instagram account read. The exclusive eatery is expected to open later this spring.

PHOTOS: Stylish Celebrity Maternity Style
